N2550 State Hwy 47 • Appleton, WI 54913 • Phone: 920-733-2929 • Cell: 920-475-0777 friendsofbutterflygardens@gmail.com


We thank the many visitors, our staff and volunteers for a successful season at our Nature Center.  We will keep the public posted as to what happens next year.

With regrets, we will only be open on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10-3pm this summer.  We have a shortage of staff and volunteers.  We are celebrating our 12th season.

Daily Admission: $10 for adults, $5 for kids, Age 2 or less-Free.

Annual Admission: $30 for one person & $60 for a family.

We may close the Gardens for 2025.  We need to retire.  Hopefully, we can find a partner or a buyer for the Gardens.

We would like to have the Butterfly Gardens open to the public indefinitely.  We truly appreciated your past loyal support.

Thank you,

Jack & Marty Voight


Butterfly Gardens Closes September 4, 2024